Friday, March 26, 2021



Mary’s Minute

“That's my gift. I let that negativity roll off me like water off a duck's back. If it's not positive, I didn't hear it. If you can overcome that, fights are easy.”

                                                                        ~ George Foreman


If you have ever made the statement that American mainstream media is negative, you would be correct.  I read this week about a study that analyzed reporting surrounding COVID-19.  The study examined news outlets across the world and found that about 87% of COVID coverage in national U.S. media last year was negative. The negative slant was not consistent across other news outlets:  in international media it was 51%, 53% in U.S. regional media, and 64% in scientific journals.  (By the way, there was no difference between national media sources that are considered more liberal or more conservative.)


Why are national media sources so negative?  Some suggest that reporters are giving Americans what they want – what sells.  Others argue that reporters are programmed to be cynical in order to get to the truth in their stories, which can lead to negativity.  It is interesting that scientific journals, which we would think would be objective, are only 64% negative compared to 87% in mainstream American media. 


Although we may not know why national media is so negative, it is a fact that it is.  Therefore, we need to remember that although we cannot control what happens, we can control how we respond to it.  George Forman won fights by not listening to the negativity.  Given the slant towards negativity in mainstream media, I think we all need to do the same thing.  We need to be informed, but the next time you listen/read from a mainstream media source, remember the bad news bias and let it roll off your back!


                                                              Have a great week!


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