Friday, December 22, 2017


Mary’s Minute

“Action expresses priorities.”
                                     ~ Mahatma Gandhi

We have all seen or heard of the demonstration of fitting different sized rocks and sand in a jar.  If the sand goes in first, there is no room for the rocks, but if the rocks are placed first the sand can fit around the rocks.  This demonstration is meant as a metaphor for life.  If we prioritize the things that are most important, then we also have room for the small stuff.  If we focus on what really matters in life, the rest falls into place.  If we sweat the small stuff, we lose sight of what is most important.  During the holiday season it is easy to get bogged down with the little stuff.  Our actions are focused on getting stuff done, frantically preparing for the holidays.  We just have to be careful to not let the sand fill the space so there is less room for what matters most during the holiday season (and always):  love for friends and family and genuine care for all people.  

It is easier said than done, but I hope you can take a deep breath in order to fill your heart and actions with the things that matter most to you.
                                                                           Happy Holidays!


Friday, December 15, 2017


Mary’s Minute

“People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered, forgive them anyway.

If you are kind people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives, be kind anyway,”

                                                                                   ~ Mother Teresa


These are just a couple of stanzas of a verse attributed to Mother Teresa.  I call it the “Do it anyway,” poem.  Working with kids each of you could write your own version of expressing the same sentiment.  “Students will yell and call name, speak softly and kindly to them anyway.  Students will act like they do not want to learn, teach them anyway.”  You probably are more creative than me, but you get the idea.  The next time you feel unmotivated because of the struggles of a few students who try our patience, say to yourself, “Do it anyway.” 

During the holiday season I am reminded of all the good in the world.  The “bad” is what gets the attention in the media and consumes our time in the classroom, on the bus, or in the hallway, but the truth is that there is so much good in people!  One of the things I love about the holiday season is that besides bringing out the best in people, it also allows us to see people with a different lens.  We give ourselves permission to see the good in people.  The challenge is to use that lens all year long, and despite the shortcomings of people, “Do it anyway.”

                                                          Have a great week!


Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Mary’s Minute

“If you make decisions based upon people's reactions or judgments then you make really boring choices.”
                                                        ~ Heath Ledger

The part of about this quote that caught my attention was the word, “boring.”  Boring is not bad to everyone.  Boring can be thought of as a being content and spending our life going with the flow.  If that is what we want out of our life, our career, or our school, then making decisions based on how other people judge us is the way to go.  I personally reject boring.  I believe life is about adventure, so when we make decisions we need to be careful about what is guiding us.  Multiple perspectives are key to decision making, so we should not totally discount what other people think.  We should listen and learn from others, but we can never be limited by how we are judged by others. 

Perry Central is determined to push hard for success of our students, and at times our decisions to do so may not be popular, but they are seldom boring! 

Personally, people may not always agree with how I live my life, but I am pleased to say that I am not bored! 

We are faced with decisions every single day.  We cannot ignore the perspectives that others bring, but we also cannot let the judgment of others leave us in a quagmire of dullness. 

                                                      Have a great week!
