Friday, February 27, 2015


Mary’s Minute

“Success is not an abstract concept reserved for only a certain few; rather, it is the net value of all of the simple choices we make each day.”

                                                                                ~ Rudy Ferraro


We all have the ingredients necessary to find success in life.  Someone recently shared this quote with me, “Success is an open book test.”  Much like the words of Ferraro, it reminds us that we all can be successful – the answers are right in front of us.  Success requires digging deep sometimes to find the answers and always working hard, but it is obtainable.  In today’s world as possibilities for jobs change constantly; success is not as much about the “what” we are going to do, but the “why” and the “how.”  In education today we are preparing students for jobs that do not even exist yet.  We are clearly focused on helping our students be successful, by providing them with skills that help them perform well on the “open book test” of life.  The answers are right there – we just need to give them the tools to find them.  I look at my own life and where my career has taken me, although sometimes I say that I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.  The reason I can laugh about it is that I never set out to be a superintendent.  I really didn’t know “what” I wanted to do, but I knew to some degree how and why I wanted to live and be successful.  I didn’t set out with a clear plan, but each day I made small choices that led me to a job that I love surrounded by people who inspire me.  Success is an open book test – let’s go score a 100%!

Have a great week!


Friday, February 6, 2015


Mary’s Minute


“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”

                                                                                 ~ Anne Frank


The one thing in life that we can choose is our attitude, but it is true that sometimes it is difficult to stay positive and happy when things are tough.  Anne Frank certainly had every reason to turn sour on life, yet she is seen retrospectively as a marvel for keeping positive through the darkest times.  This quote from Anne Frank provides a remedy for finding happiness – recognizing beauty around us.  When we find beauty around us by using our senses to take in all the good there is in the world, it is easier to be happy, even when our hearts are heavy.  It is easy to say, “Choose to be happy,” but finding concrete strategies to help make that a reality is not as easy.  Anne’s advice is perfect.  All it takes is a quick break from reality to recognize the beauty all around.  Our senses can help us see, hear, taste, smell, and feel all the beauty in the world.  Beauty does not have to fall in the traditional sense to make us happy.  Find beauty in music, in nature, by breathing in fresh air, by tasting a sweet berry.  Take it all in!  I love to look at the moon or study a flower up close.  Music is a gift that helps us escape to a place where we can just enjoy being.  Defining beauty is not simple, but it is something we know when we experience.  The world is an aesthetic masterpiece and a gift for our hearts and minds.  By concentrating on the smallest forms of beauty the world seems bigger and smaller at the same time, and when we truly take in beauty it is difficult to be sad.  Take in all the beauty around you, and be happy!

                                                                                    Have a great week!
