Friday, December 17, 2021



Mary’s Minute

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

~ Mother Teresa

Whether we are talking about international politics, getting along with neighbors, or interacting with strangers on the street, Mother Teresa’s words hold special meaning.  Spreading love makes the world a better place!

I was recently standing in a very long line to check out, with only one register open.  Several people around were voicing extreme displeasure, while most of us grumbled more quietly.  At that moment, I had a little wake up call, and started saying to myself, “Be love; spread love.”  It took several deep breaths and repetitions of the mantra to shake my frustrations out.  By the time I got to the register, my goal was to do everything I could to make the cashier feel appreciated and hopefully a little happier.  It seemed to work.  She seemed grateful to be appreciated, and smiled as if she felt happier.  Incidentally, I walked out feeling happier too!

I like to think of Christmas as a holiday of love. I don’t want to denounce nor support the Christian aspect of the holiday, but I choose to think of it as a time to be love and spread love, regardless of religion or beliefs. 

Through the holiday season, during times of frustration and times of joy, a lofty goal can be to leave others happier by spreading love.  When we hear a carol, see sparkling lights, smell gingerbread, or even feel crisp winter air, there is love. 

The holiday season is filled with examples of people spreading love and leaving those around them feeling happier.  It is the most philanthropic time of the year.  It is a time of year for singing and playing games.  It is a time of year to unplug and be with family.  It is a time of year of love!  Be love; spread love, and in doing so you will leave those around you happier. 

                                                             Happy Holidays!


Friday, December 10, 2021



Mary’s Minute

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

                                                                                                   ~ Buddha      

Have you ever lay in bed not able to fall asleep?  I think most of us have, and I when I find myself sleepless I have much running through my mind.  I sometimes think about the past and often planning the future – critique conversations I have had,  reflect on the past, think ahead to all the things I have to do, ponder problems I have to solve, and even worthlessly worry about what lies ahead.  In the times I find myself battling insomnia, I am not in the present.

 To be in the present is to be at peace, to be in the flow, to be one with the moment. 

I am not good at being in the moment.  I am constantly either replaying the past or thinking about what I have to do in the future.  It is a skill that I want to continue to work on because I know that when I can be in the present I can be a better listener, friend, and leader.  I also know that being in the moment is key to happiness.

During the holiday season, most of us have a long to-do list, so while we are doing one thing we are thinking ahead to all the other things we have to do.  All the while around us holiday carols play, children laugh, and fun abounds, which I think sometimes I miss.

Too often I am worrying about my next move instead of savoring the moment.  This weekend I am excited to travel with my mom to watch my sweet and talented niece, Ellie, perform as Clara in the Nutcracker Ballet.  My goal from the airport, the family conversations, and as a proud member in the audience, is to be in the moment – to be present.  I am going to strive not think about all that needs to be done between now and Christmas or to be reflective of the past, but to simply “be”.  Wish me luck, and I wish the same for you this holiday season!

                                                                                     Have a great week!



Friday, December 3, 2021



Mary’s Minute

"Enjoy the pressure.  Enjoy the stress.  Enjoy being uncomfortable. And don't shy away from it.  Embrace it."                                                                    ~ Gary Woodland 

December is here, which means the joyous holiday season is upon us. 

For many of us, with the joy of the season also comes the stress of the season.  Stress comes in three forms:  positive stress, tolerable stress, and toxic stress.  Positive stress allows us to rise to challenges and experience things that are new and novel.  It is the kind of stress that the quote above describes. 

The main difference between tolerable and toxic stress is how we handle it.  Our emotions provide data for us to help us determine how we can handle our stress.  Once we name it, we can do a better job of addressing our own stress. 

There is much we can do to address our stress, but in a minute, I suggest we practice compassion for ourselves, as well as remembering the number one resiliency factor of positive relationships. 

During the holidays, we focus on how we can do for others, but we need to remember compassion for ourselves and the importance and beauty of positive relationships.

My wish for you is that your negative stress this holiday season can be lessened and that you can embrace the positive stress in order to find joy in the season!

                                                                  Have a great week!
