Friday, August 26, 2016


Mary’s Minute
“The people who matter to me the most are the people that are in my life.  That’s who I really learn from, and it’s always a very personal kind of connection.”
                                                                                                        ~ Missy Peregrym
Human connections matter!  Teaching is more than presenting material or planning engaging activities.  The relationships that teachers create with their students are the real foundation for learning.  I love to walk by classrooms and see teachers walking around the room interacting with students.  Close proximity helps with classroom management, but it also helps build personal connections.  Teachers who greet students at the door send a powerful message that they care about their students.  Teachers who show an interest in what is happening in students’ lives demonstrate that school learning is just one part of their lives.  At Perry Central teachers, cooks, bus drivers, custodians, and office personnel build connections with students every single day.  A simple compliment as a student gets on the bus is far from simple to a student who needs reassurance.  A smile and eye contact show students that they matter!  Your efforts to make connections with our students make a difference.  Thank you for making that difference!
                                                                                   Have a great week!


Friday, August 19, 2016


Mary’s Minute

“Winners focus on winning; losers focus on winners.”
                                                                                        ~ Unknown

With the hype of the summer Olympics, sports analogies to life abound.  I love the perspective of this quote on winning.  I saw it with swimmers with the winning swimmer focused straight ahead, and his opponent looking over at the winner.  It was pretty profound to me.  In education today with the tremendous focus on standardized tests, the media and politicians seem to call for us to focus on what others are doing.  At Perry Central we are determined to keep doing what we know is right for kids.  Our focus is competing with ourselves to be better than we were yesterday.  Our concentration is to provide our students with the best possible education based on what we know about learners and learning.  Our efforts are inward. We cannot be distracted by the noise of the politicians and naysayers whose focus is on numbers and negativity.  Test scores may go up and down, but our attention to creating a nurturing environment for learners will not waiver.  Winning can be defined in many ways.  For us winning means that our students are working to their greatest potential within a caring environment.  With that in mind, I go back to the sports analogy.  As winners, we are focused on winning!
                                                                                         Have a great week!                      

Friday, August 12, 2016


Mary’s Minute

As we struggle to find peace in the tragic death of recent PC graduate, Josh Ward, I am struck by the magnitude of Josh’s influence during his life.  Any death, especially an unexpected one of someone so young, reminds us how fragile life is, the importance of treasuring every moment, and the importance of living without regrets.  Josh taught us these lessons and so many more.  He lived his life with maturity and wisdom that surpassed his years. 
Something else that I am trying to learn from this tragedy is the power of being open to possibilities.  We cannot begin to understand why something like this can happen.  There is absolutely no logic or justice to it, but I am trying to open my heart to see the good in the unexpected.  Because I knew Josh I feel like I am a better person, and I have to believe that through this tragedy doors will open that we cannot comprehend.  The key is opening our hearts and minds to them.  We understand so little in life, despite centuries of intellectual musings.  I may not be able to understand, but I can open my heart to potential – untapped potential that is out in the universe. 
Life is a blessing.  Josh was a blessing to all who knew him.  I am grateful for knowing him and grateful for the lessons that this tragedy may hold for the universe.
           With an open heart,

Friday, August 5, 2016


Mary’s Minute
“People will forget what you said.  People will forget what you did.  But people will never forget how you made them feel.”            ~ Maya Angelou

Over time, I have forgotten more than I know, which makes this piece of Maya Angelou’s wisdom all the more powerful for me.  I have many memories where I do not remember what people did or said, but I remember my feelings.  I have the same sensation with dreams.  Sometimes I wake up in from a dream with no recollection of what was happening in the dream, while at the same time having a strong feeling running through my veins.  Feelings are powerful and stay with us!

Each year we choose a theme for the school year, and this year the theme is simply, “P.C. Cares.” 

We believe that through our caring school community, our students may forget what we say or what we do, but they will retain a sense that we care deeply about them. 
I am excited about the school year, and I am proud to be part of this caring community.  With kind words, hard work, simple smiles, high expectations, and unwavering dedication, our entire staff shows that our theme is right on the money – P.C. Cares!

                                                                       Here’s to a great year!
