Friday, March 19, 2021



Mary’s Minute


“Edison's electric light did not come about from the continuous improvement of the candle.”

- Oren Harari

It is true that the electric light was a vast departure from the candle, but both of them were created for the same purpose of providing a light source.  This popular quote reminds us that often powerful innovations require a massive change in thinking, and that even though we may be working on the same goal, we may need to change our thinking in order to come up with a better solution.  For exciting changes, we need to think differently!

When we think about change, one approach is gradual, continuous improvement.  Another route to genuine change is a total shift.  Nothing is wrong with enhancing the candle.  Minor continual, growth is a pathway to success.  I’m all for having the best possible candles we can!  I’m also really grateful that innovators understood the need to move out of the candle mentality to come up with a better approach to supplying light.

What goals do we have in our lives or jobs for which there may be better solutions if we broke away from past responses to the same challenge?  I want to improve every day, but I also love the idea of shifting to a new mindset in order to grow.  May we use the candle and the light bulb as our inspiration to grow!


Have a great week!



  1. I love learning from Edison's story! the resiliency from failures and never losing a vision!

    1. Thanks for reading, and thanks for your comment! :)
