Friday, January 29, 2021



Mary’s Minute


“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”

                                                         ~ Robert Byrne

I recently read an article that said one characteristic of individuals who lived to be over 100 was having a purpose in life.  We know that the success of a thriving organization is linked to individuals in the organization working towards a shared purpose.

Sometimes we call this our “why.”  Why do we do what we do?  Why do we get up in the morning?  Why do we get excited about life?  I have always felt blessed that as an educator it is easier to understand my why, but for me it is even broader than this. 

For me, it is a simple obligation to make the world a better place.  Granted, I am humble, knowing that I can only do small things, but I certainly strive to leave things a little better than I found them. 

The notion of linking having a purpose to happiness and long-life shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it does provide a source of reflection.  I think in different phases of our lives, our purpose changes a lot, perhaps with an overarching theme.  For me, making the world a better place looked somewhat different when I was raising young children then it might now.  I also think that we all are struggling to some degree to find our purpose in the very different world we have been forced to live in through the pandemic.  Reflection has been good for me, and I hope to keep working towards a life of purpose.

                                                              Have a good week!



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