Saturday, February 8, 2020


Mary’s Minute

“Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.”
                                                                                       ~ Joseph Parry

On Tuesday night I parked my car and headed to a high school gym to support “my” team in a basketball game.  As I walked towards the door it occurred to me that in the gym of hundreds of people I likely would not know a single person.  It shook me for a second.  I didn’t need to worry because by the time I reached the ticket counter, one of my new friends came rushing towards me.  She pointed out places I could sit, showed me where the hospitality room was, and generally did anything to make me feel at ease.  It was a good feeling. 

I have lived in my new home for less than a week now, but I already have “friends” and a sense of belonging.  Of course, I miss my friends from Perry County terribly, but I am thankful that friendship does not need to be finite.  Our hearts are big enough to make new friends, while we keep the old.  One is silver and the other gold. 

Now this might sound a little silly, but I have decided to use the silver/gold analogy.  I used to think I couldn’t mix silver and gold jewelry, but I hear that it is now not a fashion faux pas to do so.  With that thought in mind, whenever I can I am going to purposely wear both silver and gold as a reminder of how lucky I am to have a cache of “old” friends and the prospect of many “new” friends.
                                                                        Have a great week!

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