Friday, November 8, 2019


Mary’s Minute

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”                                                           
~ Marcus Garvey

I just returned from the annual meeting of the Southern Indiana Superintendents Club, a group that was founded in 1894.  Each year when I hear the history, I feel a deep connection to club members who came before me and gratitude to be part of the tradition. 

We all have groups to whom we feel connected.  Families, faith communities, sororities or fraternities, clubs, and universities are just a few of the groups that may stir a feeling of connection to the past and a pride in the future.  In fact, when we think about it we share a connection with all humans who came before us and those who will come after us.  It is an exciting and humbling feeling.

I have said before that I feel a keen sense of responsibility to the people at Perry Central who came before me.  I feel a need to work hard to keep the traditions of excellence alive, and I have a sense of obligation to the future, as well. 

The Southern Indiana Superintendents Club has met every year since it was founded in 1894, except for 1914 because of a flu epidemic and two years during World War II.  The group is dedicated to upholding high ideals of public education and committed to preserving the rich history.  I am proud to be part of the group because of the current members, but I am equally honored to share a connection with the past and to know that someday I will be part of the root system for those who carry on the tradition in years to come.
                                                                        Have a great week!

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