Friday, October 5, 2018


Mary’s Minute

“There is no truth. There is only perception.”  
                                                                          ~ Gustave Flaubert

We often say and do things with one intent, but ultimately what counts is how what we say or do is interpreted.  If we have love in our hearts, but the person we are talking to interprets what we say as being negative, the negativity is what is spread.  I was giving my son some advice about how what he says comes across to people, he asked, “Is that what it means or what they interpret it to mean?”  My response was that it doesn’t matter. 
We may have the best lesson planned and think we are saying all the right things to our students, but ultimately what counts is their interpretation.

We care deeply about our students and people around us, but sometimes what we say or do can be interpreted differently. In the end, perception is reality. 

The lesson in this phenomena of understanding is two-fold. First, we when we express ourselves we need to not only consider what we are saying but consider how what we say is interpreted. Second, as receivers of information, we need to strive to seek true understanding which can beyond initial perceptions to a deeper understanding of the person’s intent. My hope is that we always give each other the benefit of the doubt by assuming the intention was a positive one. 

                                                                  Have a great week!

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