Friday, May 5, 2017


Mary’s Minute

“A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.”

                                                       ~Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

“We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own.”

                                                                ~ Ben Sweetland

There is not a day that goes by that I do not admire the work of Perry Central employees.  I know that what you do is not easy.  I know that you work very hard – your jobs are mentally and physically draining.  You are constantly asked to do more with less.  Most of all, what you do has incredible potential to make a difference, and with that comes with a lot of pressure.  Our students count on you.  They know that you will get them to school safely, that you will give them honest answers, that you will prepare them for their future, and most of all, that you will always care about them! 

It worries me when I think of the first quote in that the work you do is consuming.  I don’t want anyone to burn out, and I know that you sacrifice yourself for our students. I draw encouragement from the second quote, knowing that by lifting your students up, you gain strength.  Your path is made bright because of the light you give to others. 

What you do matters!  Today and every day, I hope you know your efforts are appreciated.  It is not possible to show you the appreciation you deserve, so my hope is that by lighting the path of others, you feel the light within you that can give you strength. 

                                                                            Thank you for all you do!


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