Friday, March 13, 2015


Mary’s Minute

“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you.”                                                               ~Mother Teresa


Last night Perry Central gave 80 students and chaperones a once in a lifetime experience as they traveled to see the Lion King Broadway musical in Louisville.  We cannot give our children every experience that we wish we could, and in this case, not every one of our students was involved, but for the students who sat in awe during the performance the experience made a difference.  I think Mother Teresa would be proud to see PC doing our part to change lives – one child at a time.

Another story for the week I want to share was a simple conversation I overheard on the school radio.  The elementary called to a person in maintenance for cleanup.  The response was that he was on his way, which was great in that he cheerfully was ready to stop what he was doing and make sure students had a pleasant and safe learning environment.  The story does not end there, though.  Another voice came over the radio to intervene.  It was another maintenance person, who said he was in the area and would take care of it.  It may not seem like much – after all they are just doing their job.  For me, it does mean a lot; it is pitching in to help others.  It is helping one person at a time, as Mother Teresa suggests.  It is working with a “happy heart” as my dad encouraged our family to do.  It is helping the person nearest to you.

Maybe we cannot change the world, but we can do our part to spread joy and make a difference by giving one child a special experience or showing people that we are willing to stop what we are doing to help them.  We do not have to travel to the ends of the earth to change the world; we can start as Mother Teresa suggests, with the people nearest to us.  These stories make me proud to be part of the Perry Central community!

Have a great week!


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