Thursday, March 5, 2015


Mary’s Minute

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”

~ Hans Hofmann

We live in a busy world.  Our minds are full of so much information, and we rush from one activity to the next.  There are endless products on the market that fill our closets and homes with things we need and want.  I think we all have times when we feel we want to slow down and simplify our lives.  That may mean making a conscious decision to slow down by giving up activities or even de-cluttering our home.  This quote reminds us that to simplify our lives allows us to sift through to what really matters.  Busy lives and stuff don’t make us happy or help us to make the world a better place, but somehow we are compelled to strive for more, more, more.  Society pushes us in the direction as we are bombarded with more opportunities and more products.  Opportunities to reduce must come from within because outside forces consume us with a message to expand.  It is in the quiet of simplifying that we can come to a more peaceful being and understanding of what really matters in life.  How can we eliminate the “unnecessary”?  The answer is not easy, and each one of us needs to figure it out for ourselves.      

Have a great week!


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