Friday, February 5, 2021



Mary’s Minute


“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.”

                                                  ~ Brian Tracy

We started talking about pandemic fatigue months ago.  Months ago!  That means we were already worn out months ago, so what does that say about now?  I feel like this week I have especially been feeling the fatigue – or another way to describe it is that I have been cranky.  Until this morning I was feeling that people around me were cranky too, but I woke up thinking about how I needed to give myself an attitude adjustment.

I realized that maybe the way I perceived people was more about me than about them. 

 I know that I control my attitude, and my attitude controls my actions.  I can’t control what happens to me, but I certainly can control my attitude, which in turn controls how I behave. 

For the most part the pandemic is out of our control (aside from the obvious of masking up and getting vaccinated when we can), but I have the power to control my attitude.  I am going to work really hard to not let fatigue of a nearly year-long situation weigh on me!  Attitude is everything, and I am lucky that it is something I can control.


Have a great week!



1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts! Stoic philosophy through and through reaching back to Epictetus, who taught us to accept things we cannot change. If life gives you scraps, make quilts. And don’t forget to whistle ...
