Friday, July 17, 2020


Mary’s Minute
“Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.
                              ~ Victor Hugo
When I was very young I remember the nickname given to a politician – I think he was a Congressman from Lake County, Indiana, which is where I lived growing up.  I don’t recall his last name, but I remember his nickname:  Flip Flop Floyd.  His critics suggested that he frequently changed his mind or his vote. 
Integrity is certainly one thing, but changing our mind is something different.  If we make a commitment to behave in a certain way that is one thing, but I am talking about changing our opinion.  If we are constantly examining new data and thinking, it only makes sense that we would change our minds or our opinions.  That is the nature of human growth.  It is how we improve ourselves and our society. 
I think about the mask debate.  Early in the pandemic, “experts” were advising us that masks were not necessary, but with more data and thought, the opinion changed.  As Hugo suggests, the scientist held true to their principles, but they changed their opinion, which is not only acceptable, but encouraged.  We could remain stuck in old facts that were later proven wrong, or we can embrace change of thought and improve.
We need to keep our minds open to change, while holding true to our core values. 
I honestly do not know if Floyd was a man of value, but looking back I have to wonder if he was mislabeled.  Did he change his values or just gain knowledge that allowed him to change his mind?  All I know is that my goal is to stay true to my values, but constantly be willing to change my opinion!
                              Have a great week!

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