Friday, May 1, 2020


Marys Minute

This week I had a total of 15 Zoom/WebEx meetings.  In a typical week, I would have more than 15 meetings with people, so why can virtual meetings seem more exhausting?  As humans – especially extroverts – there is an exchange of energy when we share a physical space. 
I do not have the psychology terms to explain it, but I know that sitting across the table from someone, shaking someone’s hand, sharing a laugh – simply sharing the same space – creates an exchange of energy that cannot be recreated in a virtual meeting or by greeting people in public from behind a mask six feet apart.
For years, proponents have tried to get buy-in to using technology to increase efficiency and reduce travel.  The current pandemic has forced us to embrace technology to communicate more effectively. 
We are all getting pretty good at logging into meetings, Zooming has become a new commonly-used verb, and knowing how to mute/unmute is a snap.  We are getting work done; we are doing what needs to be done.  Yet, we feel disconnected (no pun intended) much of the time. 
I think it is safe to say that we have all gotten better at using virtual tools than we were a few months ago.  In the past, we likely FaceTimed with family and used WebEx for occasional work meetings, but we are taking this to a whole new level.  For over six weeks, I have only seen my three kids and my mom on a screen and have not sat down at a conference table across from a single colleague.  All of these common interactions are now on-screen. 
I am thankful for virtual contact with colleagues and my family, and I am not being reflecting on this phenomenon in order to be negative.  I think that considering the issue helps me better understand my own needs and will make me even more appreciative of personal contact!  Until then, Zoom, Zoom, Zoom! 
                                                                Stay safe and well!


  1. I miss seeing my kids, grandkids and friends, but I am excited about “zooming” tomorrow!

  2. Mary , I know you are missing the interaction with family and co -workers. You love people ! Hope we all can get through this. So hard! Miss you Mary!
