Friday, April 3, 2020


Mary’s Minute

“Brave is finding a new normal.”
                                                           ~ Anonymous
Almost five years ago right after my daughter, Zoe, was diagnosed with Lupus and trying to navigate her new life of a daily handful of pills, a life-long need to take blood thinners, the reality of drug side effects, testing her blood weekly, and much more, someone said to her that she would soon settle into her new normal.  The phrase stuck with her and she embraced the idea finding her new normal.  She was brave, and now lives her new normal with many of the conditions she faced then still present for her today. She does it with such positivity that it is easy for her and others to forget she even has a chronic illness.

Just a few months ago, we could have never predicted what our new normal would be.  Teachers were teaching in their classrooms.  Students were running care-free with dozens of classmates on the playground.  We were enjoying meals out with family and friends.  We were planning vacations.  We had a sense of security.  All of those things are gone, and we must be brave to be at peace with our new normal.  Although we know this will not last forever, the experience will change us forever. 

                                                                   Stay safe and well!

1 comment:

  1. For sure, Mary! Thank you for the mindful post. And, as for Zoe, she rocks! <3
