Friday, February 28, 2020


Mary’s Minute

“It is good people who make good places.”

                                                                        ~ Anna Sewell

As I go through life I am amazed and grateful for all the good people in the world!  There is so much kindness and genuine good in the world.  I see it in small gestures from strangers or new people I meet.  I see it most of all in people with whom I am blessed to work.  I had that experience at Perry Central, and now I have it at Sheridan.  It sounds simple or cliché but it is so true – people are good, and people make a difference!

When I was a young grant writer, I can remember the thrill of writing grant proposals to get “stuff.”  Afterall, stuff is concrete, so in my naïve way, I thought stuff would make a difference.  What I have found is that people make a difference!  Caring adults change the lives of children.  Scientists come up with ground-breaking discoveries.  Artists create masterpieces.  People make a difference!

And Anna Sewell takes the notion a step further reminding us that the collective progress of good people makes good places.  How empowering is that?  By being your natural good self, you have the power to change lives and change places! 

I have been writing Mary’s Minute for over 17 years, but today is the first time I am writing for my new Sheridan Community School audience.  I try not to be too preachy and just write from my heart, and my remarks just take a minute to read! 

I came from Perry County where good people made a good place, and I was drawn to Sheridan for the good I saw in the people and the place! 

I am thankful for good people.  I am thankful for the difference good people make, and I am excited about what we can do together!

                                                 Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Mary, this is such a positive an upbeat post. I love that you share with readers here; your positivity is refreshing! Thank you.
