Friday, December 13, 2019


Mary’s Minute

“Getting even has never healed a single person.”  
                                                                                        ~ Eva Kor 

Fifty years after she was liberated from Auschitz, Eva Kor stood on the platform at the same location and pledged her personal forgiveness to the Nazis and Dr. Mengele for the atrocities to her and her family.  From that point until her recent death Eva Kor spread a message of the power of forgiveness, in addition to remembering the holocaust, and she felt that the act of forgiveness changed her life.

As I listened to Eva’s thoughts on forgiveness that continue to be shared through a foundation created in her name, I remembered something I recently thought.  I said, “People who forget, but do not forgive are bitter.  People who forgive, but do not forgive are at peace.  People who forgive and forget are happy.”  I think my notion may need some work because Eva Kor emphasizes the need to forgive, but not to forget.  My idea was that people who forgive and forget live in a zone of ignorant bliss.  

I think I live my life basically at peace.  I forgive, but I can’t forget.  I really was thinking that if I could both forgive and forget, I could be happier.  I now believe that being at peace -- forgiving, but never forgetting is the surest way to peace, even if there is still some pain.  

This may all sound confusing, but I encourage you to think of an experience or person that has brought you pain.  Then think of forgiveness, as well as the power to totally forget it ever happened.  I think sometimes forgiving and forgetting is the easy answer to finding happiness.  The path to learning and true peace, though, can come from forgiveness, while holding onto the memory. 

                                                                        Have a great week!

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