Friday, August 30, 2019


Mary’s Minute

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” 
                                                                ~ Buddha    
If you look in a thesaurus, joy is listed as a synonym for happy.  I think we spend a lot of time focused on happiness when our true quest is joy.  Striving for happiness -- even choosing happiness -- is a great goal.  Real joy is something deeper.  I believe that we can be happy without experiencing joy, and I think there are times that we feel joy in our souls, even if we are not happy in the moment.  I recently talked to someone who had lost a child, and what he expressed to me is that he didn’t feel like he could ever feel joy again.  He would find happiness in life, but true joy had been stripped from him.  I hope for his sake that he can find joy again, but it made me realize the difference.  

I believe we can find joy in many of the same ways we find happiness: by being grateful, through reflection, by surrounding ourselves with positive people and experiences, and by helping others.  I think finding joy takes more work than just finding happiness.  It requires deep appreciation and finding our purpose in life.  I think to really find joy we must see how we can make a difference to others. 

I wish you happiness, and most of all, I wish you joy! 

                                                                  Have a great long weekend!


  1. Thank you, Mary. Wishing you a restful weekend and much joy!
