Friday, January 4, 2019


Mary’s Minute

“Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees.”
                                                            ~ Swedish Proverb

Some of us are big picture people, and others are better at details.  Some of us can recognize the forest better, while others are experts at understanding the intricacies of the trees. 

The Swedish proverb warns us of the danger of getting too bogged down in the details to remember the big picture.  For me the big picture is often the “why” of what we do.

My daughter, Zosha, wrote about creating solid New Year’s resolutions in her blog.  (Motherly plug: You can follow her on Facebook at Choose Happy or on her website,  One of her suggestions was to focus on the “why” of your resolutions to gain true focus and to remain motivated to complete the goal.

I thought this idea of remembering to see the forest, while visualizing the trees, was a good one.  I think it has relevance to all goal setting.  If we want to lose weight (the tree), we need to also remember the “why” of leading a healthy life, etc., (the forest) in order to stay focused and maybe even to set the right goal. 

In education we are constantly focused on goals, and as we focus on goals with our students we also need to constantly remind ourselves of the big picture.  For instance, we need to remember that the reason we teach phonics is to teach students to learn to read and to love reading.  The reason we teach government is to create a critical citizenship. 

The trees are important, but when the trees come together to create the big picture of the forest, we can push ourselves to an even higher plane.

                                                                Happy New Year!

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