Friday, March 4, 2016


Mary’s Minute

“Everyone shines given the right lighting.  For some it’s a Broadway spotlight, for others, a lamp lit desk.”

                                                  ~ Susan Cain

My son, Bill, has taught me a lot about introverts and extroverts, since his introvertedness is in direct contrast to my extrovertedness.  A simple explanation of the difference in the two personality types is that introverts gain energy from being alone while extroverts gain energy from being around people.  Like most characteristics, people cannot be pigeon-holed into a single type, but the concept is good to help us understand how our students, friends, and family members operate.  I have learned that Bill can function very well in a crowd and come off to people as being comfortable and confident, but at the end of a day, he needs to be alone to recharge.  For me it is just the opposite, being with people invigorates me.  When I think about our students, I have to admit that schools by nature favor students who gain energy from others.  I am not sure of the answer to this, but it does make me conscious of providing opportunities for students to work both in groups and alone, and to provide “recharging” spaces for introverts to be alone when needed.  As for me as a mother, I have learned to be more patient when Bill wants to just be alone, not taking it personally that he doesn’t want to spend time with me.  Our goal is to provide just the right lighting so that all of our students can shine!

                                                                       Have a great week! 


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