Friday, September 26, 2014


Mary’s Minute
“There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.”                                                                                         ~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

“Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.”                                             ~ Unknown
Whether we see it in a spiritual or scientific way, most of us see some validity to the notion that things happen for a reason.  Even chaos theory, points to the science and organization within apparent anarchy.  The older I get the more inclined I am to believe that things/people/opportunities come in and out of our lives for a reason.  Maybe this is just my way to dismiss the intricacy of life or to simplify decision making.  I am not afraid to make decisions, but I also am more inclined to embrace what comes before me when I see it coming to me not just as a chance meeting, but as a “blessing.”  By seeing the world as opportunity and not chance, I think it is easier to appreciate moments, and to embrace change.  I do not believe in regrets.  If we make mistakes we can never know if they were really missteps or just steps to lead us down another path.  We are who we are because of our collective experiences.  It is hard to know how those experiences are determined, but our task is to believe that they come to us for a reason.  The reasons may vary from helping us learn and grow, sending us down a new path in life, or maybe as simply as helping us see life from a new perspective.
                                                                        Have a great week!


Friday, September 19, 2014


Mary’s Minute

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's a day you've had everything to do and you've done it.”

― Margaret Thatcher

Perry Central students and staff can look back on the past year the way Maggie Thatcher looks at a successful day.  They have certainly worked hard, and it is good to know that their hard work has paid off with recognition by the Indiana Department of Education.  Although the results are still embargoed so they are not “official”, we received our preliminary school letter grade designations last week from the Indiana Department of Education.  Letter grades are based on student test scores and student achievement growth, as well as graduation rate and college credits obtained at the high school level.  We are proud that Perry Central Elementary received an A.  The corporation grade was also an A.  Perry Central Junior-Senior High School received the designation of B (just .01 off from an A).  We want our students and teachers to be proud of this accomplishment and the hard work it took to obtain it.  At the same time, we stay steadfast in our belief that although we are judged by test scores and test scores provide important data to support student learning, our students are so much more than a test score.  We want to use data as a tool to keep getting better in order to help each student reach his/her highest potential.  Most importantly, we want to continue to support students as individuals with unique needs.  We will continue to put a philosophy of caring as our number one goal, while also continuing to support student learning.  For today, the Perry Central family (students, teachers, staff, parents, and community) should celebrate this recognition by the Indiana Department of Education.  I am proud to be part of this great team!

                                                                                                Have a great week!


Friday, September 12, 2014


Mary's Minute


"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."

      - Anne Frank


This week as we reflect on the events that now have become known simply as “911,” we are filled with many thoughts and emotions.  It certainly evokes strong patriotism, which is positive.  It also causes reflection about good versus evil in our world.  We cant help but feel a bit discouraged wondering how evil like this can exist.  Fortunately, along with the terror that swept our country thirteen years ago, we also witnessed an outpouring of good.  We watched firefighters sacrifice their own lives for the good of others. We saw a nation come together with a positive spirit. We looked into the eyes of all that is good with the human spirit!


The message to me through the perceived madness is that there is so much more good in the world than bad.  This is what I want to carry with me in all I do. We hear on the news about acts of crime and hate, but we must remember there are so many more people who care and who do good works.  As educators we may get discouraged at times, but when we see all the good in our students we should feel exhilarated.  Our school and our world are filled with good, caring people! 


We cannot let the anomalies of bad let us lose heart. See the good!  Believe in the good!  Anne Frank is a shining example:  a young girl forced to confront directly extreme evil, yet she still believed. Whether it is on our daily lives or our larger outlook on life, we need to focus on the positive by seeing all the good in others. We never want to let the pockets of negative to let us lose sight of the core good!

                                                                                       Have a great week!



Friday, September 5, 2014


Mary's Minute

"You are the sum total of everything you've ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot - it's all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive."
- Maya Angelou

We are the sum of all our experiences - good and bad, conscious or subconscious.  It is good for all of us to consciously think about what makes us who we are.  We are a reflection of our daily interactions, heritage, religion, family experiences, and so much more.  Sometimes we think of it in terms of the little sayings we have in the back of our heads. I think of my mom constantly saying, "Life is good," and my dad saying, "Treat the people you love the most the best."  I also know I am influenced by each interaction I have had in my life.  When we don't stop and reflect we may fail to interpret and recognize the influences.  When we think about the influence we can better control the effect they have on our lives.

The other reason this is an important concept is that in addition to being influenced by others and our experiences, we are also influencers.  What messages and experiences are we providing to our students or our own children?  As Maya Angelou points out, it is important that we surround ourselves with positive experiences and even more important that we surround our students and our own children with positive experiences. 

We are indeed the beautiful sum of our rich experiences!

Have a great week.